Saturday, June 27, 2009

Defining Our Generation in the Arts

Wednesday in class I was pretty much in heaven! I took A.P. European my junior year of high school and our discussion this week brought back memories and revived the love I have for European History. Looking through the slide show in class on A History of the World I found that European History and Art History(which I never got to take in high school, but have wanted to ever since) are two of my great loves. I could barely sit still during class and on a number of occasions I wanted to jump up out of my chair and tell the class all about the artists and art we were going over.

I loved the discussion we had in class about humanities in general and how the arts help define us as individuals, as a generation, and most importantly as a person. One of my favorite parts of our discussion was when someone mentioned their theory that someone who hates some art, are inhibited in a certain way. Art completes ourselves as people. Some just aren't willing to put the effort into the arts to fully appreciate it. Arts are an acquired taste for some and a favorite for others. We, as people are able to learn and reap something in return when we give individually to the arts by simply supporting them.

My second favorite point of discussion was that Broadway Shows like Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables do not only entail beautiful music, but they also possess a depth, and a story behind each song, and character. When you actually pay attention and listen you get more out of what you are viewing, or listening to.

The last point of class discussion that intrigued me is the phrase, "art is extremely powerful". We shouldn't be in awe of the arts only because they are old, but because of the personal experience we are bound to have if we open our hearts to the special, unique, and exquisite language of the arts. The other phrase that caught my attention is, "the arts are not more important because they are historical but because they have shaped the lives we live; different things are important to different people." Historical arts are a big influence on our lifestyles in culture. The most important art it the art being created right NOW, by our fellow peers. It comes from the society we live in and it defines our generation.


  1. I enjoyed reading your response to class. It's very helpful :)

  2. Next time don't dissapoint, jump up in class I'm sure Jasie won't mind. I do enjoy the art as well and still have a lot to learn. I think we will both expand our knowledge soon enough. I enjoyed your post.

  3. I like how you said that hating some art is inhibiting. Even if we don't like a piece or maybe disagree with it, we can still learn from it. Finding what we like and dislike in art teaches us lot about ouselves and our beliefs.
