Saturday, June 27, 2009

Quite Literally a Window

In reading for class this week I found that Humanities (the arts) not only help us figure out who we are, but also help us to see things we wouldn't normally see. A painting, for example is quite literally a window. It open vistas defined by the artists unique point of view. We can learn to see how the world looks to another human being. "Thus, a study of the humanities - philosophy, religion, literature, and art - deals in some measure with the ends of life, with possible goals of human existence." To fully understand the artists' rendition of their art you must study the artist themselves; their likes, their dislikes, their dreams, and their fears. Then you'll find that there are so many other things in the world, (other than your own little focused life) so many things just as important, more important. Some think that the arts aren't important, but as they learn and grow in the arts, they will understand and know that the arts ARE important, and the world wouldn't be the place it is today without them. They can learn to appreciate the arts if they give it a chance.


  1. i really enjoyed the readings too. a thought actually just popped into my head. what would people see through my window? i think it would be interesting to hear what people say about something i painted. i think i just gained a greater appreciation for the artist. They must be pretty open people if they are going to allow strangers to see into their personal life.

  2. I love your statement that art is a window and couldnt agree with it more. art helps us to see into the people and societies of the past as well as our own. I also liked your ideas on art helping us find out more about ourselves if we give it a chance. I know this is true through personal experience.

  3. I liked what you said about how art helps us understand that there are more important things in the world than our "own little focused lives." Recently a lovely young lady I knew and loved passed away from an accident, and that helped me focus on things that were more immportant. It is good to have something help us focus on those things that are more and most important that are good and beautiful and not just tragedies.

  4. I love the idea of art being a window into something else or someone else's life. And another thing that's interesting is when we look into these windows, some of us might see different things. We each have our own personal experiences that we draw from, and looking into other people's windows (not literally, that would be kind of creepy) strikes different chords in each of us.

  5. I used to not care too much about the arts other than the fact that some things were a bit odd or a little interesting. As I grow older with more experience I am fascinated with art. I especially enjoyed the comment you made about how art is a window into something else. Many people express ideas in writing, but others show it in art. A picture or piece of art is definitely worth a million words.
