Saturday, July 4, 2009

Beautiful or disgusting?

Even though I know that different people find different things beautiful, but the article on Beauty by Marcia Muelder Eaton has intensified that opinion. Some people can find evil or destroying things beautiful.
There are many conflicting perceptions of beauty. I loved the image of our television and magazine society, and how the author of the article finds "those 'beautiful people' that many of [our] generation see on some television advertisements seem positively repulsive." Beauty and our definition of beauty has changed over time, unfortunately not for the better of America either.
The analogy of something being beautiful, being like food that is delicious; that if something isn't good we don't enjoy eating it, but that doesn't mean that we should not see art because we don't think it's beautiful. If we just concentrated on food being good, and not the nutritional value; like if we only think about art as only being art if it's beautiful instead of the nutrition of the soul of an individual and of a community.
Something doesn't have to be GORGEOUS to be beautiful, it just has to be spiritually nurturing!


  1. I completely agree with you. The definition of beauty in our current society is probably not the way it is supposed to be. I feel bad when t.v. says women should be 6 ft tall 100 lbs to be beautiful sticks and women starve themselves when they think they are fat when they are not.

  2. well said. I agree too. I think the word "beautiful" has too many meanings sometimes. Beauty is not all about looks. Its about every aspect od the object.
