Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Medium

In class this week we talked about the medium of a piece of art and how it helps reflect what the artist is trying to say through their art. I think that the medium of which the art is created with definitely reflects the authors emotions and thoughts.

We also talked about criticism and the role of a critic also. I like how when we were actually given the chance to think and talk about what we defined a critic as and how we felt about a critics job in general. In our little group, we all felt that we didn't like critics because they are definitely biased in many ways, and they try to make us see things their way; in a sense taking away our free agency of being able to diagnose a piece of art, or a performance for our selves. But, by the end of the class we all felt a little better about a critic, and their job. It was a good class; I learn something new every day!


  1. I'm glad that you changed your mind a little about critics by the end of the class. I think the job of a critic is really important, and maybe we don't have to believe everything (or anything) that we say, but I think it's important for someone to share their knowledge about something and maybe lead us to see it in a different way than before. Plus, by the end of class I want us all to be good (and trustworthy) critics.

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  3. I agree. I think we also forget that we are born critics. We are constantly judging something, and I know for me, my judgments are usually, "man, i don't get that". I feel like we leave class each time and are in a better situation to be true critics, and really understand things.

  4. I have really enoyed fine tuning my judging skills and being able to look for specific things in a work of art. I may not be a good critic, but i am certainly on the way!

  5. I think the whole topic of critics is interesting. So many people have so many different views and we are all critics and trust some more than others so I think you could get a make a good judgement maybe by listening to someone that you know well and trust. I think you would definetly get a better feel of what that persons experiences are.

  6. Critics do get a bad name because of their position, especially if they are critiquing your own work. I can not recall many instances where I had to deal with a critic but they are more likely to help out an individual than harm. Such as in the case of scientific studies. Researchers present their work to fellow scientist and undergo scrutiny to determine the validity of the work. This inturn helps the individual understand if he/she needs to do a better job in whatever it is being critiqued.
