Saturday, July 25, 2009

Understanding the Dance

This week in class we switched over from the Fine Arts to the Performing Arts, and we started by talking about dance. I used to dance when i was pretty little; ballet, jazz, tap, and some hip hop. I danced from the time I was around eight to when I entered the eighth grade. One of my friends continues to dance until her junior ear of high school with the same company. I chose sports over dancing, though I did love it!

Two of my other friends danced quite a bit. Meisha did more lyrical and danced on the high school Dance Company for two years, ans Sara has been strictly Ballet pretty much her whole life. I remember as we were growing up that Sara would lways have to go to dance everyday, and didn't get to hang out with us much. Now, thanks to class, I know why! I had no idea that ballet took so much effort and that you have to start early to be able to actually be able to dance on point. This past week in my Aerobic Dance class we had a substitute and she always has themes to her routines; this time's was Ballet. Oh My Gosh, now I know what it mwnas to be a ballerina! MY legs were dying and I know that I didn't even experience a fourth the pain and work that an actual ballerina goes through. We picked Ballet as our theme so we wouldn't have to do her Hiop Hop routine; I'm pretty sure we thought it would be easier or something, but it wasn't.

I had the opportunity to go see a number of both Meisha and Sarah's dance recitaIs. I just loved going to see them dance; it made me really wish I had stuck to dancing , but then again dancing wasn't really my forte. Sarah's still dancing and is going to dance this fall at the University of Utah. Meisha, like me, chose sports over dance, and has been focusing on soccer of late. I've realized now the determination and enormous effort that goes into being a ballerina. I'm sure Sra has far to go, but she is well on her way.

I also think dance is a wonderful way for people to express their emotions. My senior year in high school I was friends with a couple of the girls on Dance Company. When is came time for their Spring Concert they wereall practicing early before and late after school for the whole week before. When I arrived at the concert i founf that most or all of the dances were choreographed by multiple girls in the company. Let me tell you, those dances were good; I doubt I could even attempt to choeograph something like they did! It's amazing. This class has done a lot to educate me on dance and I can't wait to learn more about the Performing Arts.


  1. It's really neat that your friends danced and choreographed their own dances too. I agree that dance is a form of expression especially when someone creates their own dance. It's like they are the artist and the dancers are the medium, as we talked about in class. Love your comments!

  2. I agree, I really enjoy learning about the performing arts. I liked your description of how much work goes into dance. My sisters are dancers and I know they work hard. I really respect that.
