Saturday, August 8, 2009


In the beginning I was excited at the idea of going to Cinderella and it only being $5.00 made it a prime opportunity. I was astounded at the size of the theater, which was a theater-in-the-round; I had never seen one so small. We were practically on the actors, it was crazy! I soon found by the second act that I was not going to enjoy this at all.

It all started with the lead being late and the host told some jokes, of which some were pretty good, the the show ended up starting at 7:45 instead of the original 7:30. We were also informed the the prince and Cinderella were actually getting married in real life! Cool, eh? In the first scene I was impressed by the voice Cinderella's character had; it was beautiful and crystal clear. The next scene dashed all hopes of it being an enjoyable show. The second scene was one with the step-sisters and the evil step-mother, and it was horrific. Sorry, to be so blunt about it, but this is my honest opinion of the show. If you don't like what you are reading, you are welcome to stop now and are free to be critical of my comments. As the play went on I got to thinking, "my junior high could do 5 times better than this!" and shaking my head after every scene. Some of the actors had no idea how to act and pretty much just walked around on stage like idiots, and the evil step-mother didn't even sing, but merely spoke to a little tune. What also astounded me was that the prince never even sang a line. What? This play was called Cinderella, where the prince and Cinderella fall in love right? Doesn't that mean there should be some kind of love song that they sing together at the end? How about like in Slipper and the Rose? There was even a point where I wanted to walk out, but didn't, and I wanted to stand up and yell stop at one of the step-sisters! I knew that shows like Cinderella, with step-sisters and evil step-mothers, were supposed to make you hate those characters, but this was bad. (I never would actually ever stand up and yell stop at an actor, but I sure felt like it!) I give this cultural event a 5 out of 10! Harsh I know, but it's an honest opinion from me, and I'm glad I didn't pay more that five dollars for it.


  1. I'm glad i didn't go then. Ugh that sounds horrible. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat was way better than that. Hopefully you can see another Cinderella play that could restore your hope in the play.

  2. I guess it just goes to show that not everyone can do art. I mean, sure this play was artistic..but it didn't approach the term "arm", by the sound of it. Think of how much you'll prize the next really good play you'll see, though?
