Saturday, August 1, 2009

the true beauty of music

What I found interesting about class was the connection that music has with the art and other art forms of that period. I had never really connected it like the before. The Romantic Era stuck out the most to me; it had the strongest connection for me. I also loved how most of class was listening to music! I had never realized how much I love classical music until we spent most of class listening to it. I have always enjoyed the scores to movies and the music from musicals, but I hadn’t really had much experience with classical. Most of the music that we listened to in class quickly became some of my favorite.

Class this Wednesday boggled my mind. I have no idea how it would be not getting how music works. I’m not saying that I know the ins and outs of music, neither do I now it like the back of my hand, but I have a general background in it. I have grown up with music playing a major influence in my life. My parents were never up to date with the modern music, but music was always emphasized in my home. I was forced (at least that’s how I felt then) to start piano lessons at the age of eight. It was a requirement that we, my siblings and I, take piano until high school because then our lives became busier. This made it so that all of us kids had at least a little knowledge of music and most of us use it in our lives quite frequently to this day. One of my older brothers, Justin, plays in the percussion section of the Orchestra on Temple Square, and the others just play the piano as needed. I played the marimba for four years from seventh grade to my sophomore year on high school. I became busier after my sophomore year, and I thought that I was living my Mother’s dream more than mine by playing the marimba, so I stopped. Now that I haven’t played in a while, I miss it, but the reason I stopped because it doesn’t seem that I will be able to use it much in my future. I loved the experience and it’s where I finally learned to read music (taking lessons on the marimba) instead of just memorizing the songs I learned from my piano teacher. I also sang in choir all three years of high school career. I was a soprano, but I’ve discovered this last year that I could have progressed and learned more by being an alto.

I am glad I’ve had music in my life. There is always music going in my house whether it’s the piano, the hymns CD my Mom loves to play in the kitchen, or my little sister’s music. Music is always playing in my dorm as well; one of my roommates is amazing at playing her own renditions of songs she knows. I think that music is very important to us as humans. What I love most about music is that there is some for everyone; everyone has some kind of music that they like. Music is one of the humanities I think everyone can relate with no matter what their background is or where they’re from. Everyone has a musical connection. They might not even have any knowledge about it, but the fact that they love listening to it. That’s the true beauty of music.

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