Saturday, August 8, 2009

Video Art

What I found interesting in this weeks reading was where the video art article said:
"the definition of spectatorship is hereby challenged; where the audience member becomes a mandatorily active participant in the work itself- differing from performance art, where the artist is present." I think this is very true. It's like what they say about when a teacher teaches; the teacher learns from the students more than the students learn from the teacher. Or like what they say about a play. The audience is most of the show because without the reactions and the applause of the audience the performers wouldn't do as well. When you get a good applause after a number or a good reaction to a funny part in the show, you know you are doing well and you keep trying to do well. The audience is kinda like the adrenaline for your show.

Videos are like this too. Without the audiences reaction and support of the movie, movie producers wouldn't get very far. If we, as the general public, didn't go to the movies and give good reports on those that we enjoy, the movies wouldn't be as big of a hit as they are. But it's not all us either, without the artist there would be no art to look at and enjoy, therefore we wouldn't have that enjoyment without the artist there to make it enjoyable for us.

I also like where it said:
"In these spaces, a more complete understanding of a particular view of the world can be communicated to the senses of the audience-sonic and physical elements which attend to the audience’s emotion, physicality, and intellect." I totally agree with this statement as well. I think movies say a lot that you can't say with words. I know that sounds weird, but it's true in some circumstances. There are scenes in film that make you feel in a way you wouldn't normally either; whether it's joy or sadness it is that you're feeling, the movie can communicate that without words. Who had ever thought that a moving picture could make you feel that way? I never knew, but boy does it.

I also think music has a lot to do with it. The score to movies is most often my most favorite part of the whole thing. It is often that I get done with a movie, and go, "I need to get the soundtrack to that one." Music has always been a big influence in my life, and I have noticed that these last few years even more, with going to movies, and concerto concerts at my high school; I love music! Even though I'm not the best at it, I still love it and it will always be an important part of my life. Music is what helps the movie to be able to speak without words. Music plays with the emotions, and without it our life would be a lot less enjoyable and emotional.

1 comment:

  1. a good movie soundtrack makes me wish that sometimes LIFE had a soundtrack ;)
